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2019-11-28 15:39作者:深圳禾发代孕机构

  Some of our 32 adult teeth are more vulnerable to decay and damage than others. Here, London dentist Dr Charles Ferber reveals where the dangers lie.   你知道吗?在成人的32颗恒牙中,有的牙齿要更容易遭受损伤和腐蚀,想要有一口漂亮又健康的牙齿,除了日常的清洁护理之外,还应对这一类“VIP牙”进行重点保护。 INCISORS   门牙   Incisors are the eight teeth at the front of your mouth — four at the top, four at the bottom.   门牙是福州治疗胎停育那个医院最好养女强占房屋分布于口腔下颚前方的八颗牙齿,四颗在上,四颗在下。   PROBLEMS: The central incisors are most vulnerable, but those in the lower jaw are particularly affected by teeth grinding, which 8 per cent of us do unconsciously.   问题:位于中央位置的门牙是非常容易受到腐蚀的,而下颚的门牙则直接则特别容易遭受磨损。   Your lower central incisors are more -yellow because the enamel is thinner, revealing the yellowish tissue (dentine) that gives teeth their strength.   下门牙很容易呈现出黄色,这是因为珐琅质较薄而露出了黄色的组织,也就是牙本质的“真面目”,而这样以外便使得下门牙异常的坚硬。   The inside of these incisors is also particularly prone to tartar because there are -salivary glands here. Minerals in saliva combine with plaque to form hardened tartar. A build-up of tartar can cause -irritation that gradually makes the gum and jawbone shrink.   但因为唾液腺位置的缘故,门牙上也非常容易有牙垢的出现。唾液中的矿物质在结合之后,会形成硬化的斑块牙垢,而当牙垢积累到一定的程度之后,可能会引起牙龈与颚骨的萎缩。 /201101/123103莆田做输卵管疏通加班加点更易损害女性健康Working long hours has a greater negative impact on women than men because it makes them more likely to smoke, drink coffee and eat unhealthy food.Both sexes consume less alcohol if they spend more time working, researchers said, buttoilingextra hours makes women crave unhealthy snacks."Women who work long hours eat more high-fat and high-sugar snacks, exercise less, drink more caffeine and, if smokers, smoke more than their male colleagues," said Dr. Daryl O'Connor, a researcher at Britain's Leeds University."For men, working longer hours has no negative impact on exercise, caffeine intake or smoking," O'Connor said in a statement released by the Economic and Social Research Council, which funded his study.O'Connor's team of scientists were studying the impact of stress on eating habits. They looked at what causes stress at home and at work and how people react to it.The results show that stressful events such as making a presentation, a meeting with the boss or missing a deadline were linked to eating more between-meal snacks and fewer or smaller portions of fruits and vegetables."Stress disrupts people's normal eating habits," he said.The people who were most vulnerable were so-called emotional eaters."These individuals have higher levels of vulnerability and tend to turn to food as an escape from self-awareness," O'Connor said."When they feel anxious or emotionally aroused or negative about themselves, they try to avoid these negative feelings by turning their attention to food." 工作时间过长对于女性的消极影响要比男性大,因为这会导致女性吸烟、喝咖啡以及吃不健康的食品。据研究人员介绍,男性和女性工作的时间越长,饮酒就会越少,而长时间的工作则会让女性很想吃那些不健康的零食。英国利兹大学的研究人员达里尔·欧·科诺士说:“长时间工作的女性会吃更多高脂肪、高糖量的零食,同时,她们锻炼身体的机会减少,会喝更多含咖啡因的饮料,而且,如果她们抽烟,长时间工作会使她们的吸烟量比男同事还要多。”欧·科诺士在经济和社会研究理事会发表的一份声明中说:“对于男性来说,工作时间长则不会在锻炼身体、咖啡因 入及吸烟方面产生不良影响。”欧·科诺士及研究小组的科学家们研究了压力对饮食习惯造成的影响。他们对家庭和工作中造成压力的因素及人们有何反应做了调查研究。结果表明,一些能给人造成压力的事件,如,做演讲、见老板或错过了某事的最后期限,会导致人们在非正餐时间吃更多的零食,而水果和蔬菜却吃得较少。他说:“压力会打乱人们正常的饮食习惯。”最易受此影响的人被称为“情绪化食者”。欧科诺士说:“这些人的心理比较脆弱,往往会用吃东西的方法来分散自己的注意力。”“当他们感到焦急、情绪激动或对自己没有信心时,他们就会把注意力转移到食物上去,以此来克消极情绪。” /200803/32258福建中医看不孕去那好Kids who eat better perform better in school, a new study of Nova Scotia fifth-graders confirms.Students who ate an adequate amount of fruit, vegetables, protein, fiber and other components of a healthy diet were significantly less likely to fail a literacy test, Dr. Paul J. Veugelers of the University of Alberta in Edmonton and colleagues found.While a healthy diet is generally assumed to be important for good school performance, there has actually been little research on this topic, Veugelers and his colleagues note. To investigate, they looked at 4,589 fifth-graders participating in the Children's Lifestyle and School-performance Study, 875 (19.1 percent) of whom had failed an elementary literacy assessment.The better a student's eating habits based on several measures of diet quality, including adequacy and variety, the less likely he or she was to have failed the test, the researchers found, even after they adjusted the data for the effects of parental income and education, school, and sex. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and getting fewer calories from fat, was also associated with a lower risk of failing the test.To date, Veugelers and his team say, most research on diet and school performance has focused on the importance of eating breakfast, as well as the ill effects of hunger and malnutrition."This study extends current knowledge in this area by demonstrating the independent importance of overall diet quality to academic performance," the researchers conclude. (加拿大)一项对新斯科舍省五年级小学生开展的研究实,饮食习惯好的孩子学习成绩也比较好。加拿大埃德蒙顿亚伯达大学的鲍尔#8226;J#8226;维格勒士及其同事发现,饮食健康, 入足量水果、蔬菜、蛋白质和纤维等营养成分的学生读写测试不及格的可能性较低。维格勒及其同事指出,大家都想当然地认为健康的饮食对于孩子的学习成绩很重要,但实际上有关这一问题的研究却很少。为了弄清这一问题,研究人员对4589名五年级学生开展了一项“儿童生活方式与学习成绩”的研究,其中有875名学生未通过小学读写水平测试。研究人员发现,饮食习惯较健康的学生考试不及格的几率较小,在综合考虑学生父母的收入及教育程度、就读学校和性等因素的影响后得出的结论也是如此。学生饮食习惯的健康与否主要以饮食质量的几个指标为依据,其中包括所 入食物的量和种类。此外,研究发现,在 入大量水果蔬菜和较少高脂肪食品的情况下,学生读写测试不及格的几率也会降低。维格勒及其研究小组称,目前有关儿童饮食与学习成绩的多数研究主要着眼于吃早餐的重要性,以及饥饿和营养不良可能导致的后果。研究人员得出结论:“该研究展示了总体饮食质量对孩子学习成绩的独有重要性,是对这一领域现有研究成果的进一步拓展。” /200804/35921No one likes to feel crappy, right?Certain powerful sensations and emotions are simply uncomfortable, if not downright painful. For some people, feeling sadness or grief is nearly intolerable; others would rather cry for an hour than feel intense anxiety or fear. Having experienced some form of depression on and off since my teens (and having grown almost used to it), I’ve always fallen in the latter category. I’d rather bear those ills I know, if I have to bear any ills at all.Interestingly enough, 天下第一厨 it was in experiencing some new ones that I learned something about the old ones, and stumbled across a more effective way of dealing with both.DesolationA Personal StoryA year and a half ago my money started to run out. It was January, my town was buried in several feet of snow, and I was unemployed and living in a dark one-room apartment. For the first time in my life, an overwhelming anxiety took possession of me — and, truly, it was like possession — along with something like agoraphobia. I remember standing inside the entrance of a Target superstore one day in late winter, enveloped in what I can only describe as existential terror. (Never mind the valid sociological argument that the proper human response to a Target superstore is existential terror. That’s fodder for a another post, another time!) The warehouse-sized building full of endless rows of merchandise seemed 一梦如是逝水长txt foreign, overwhelming, even somehow menacing. I wove uneasily among adjacent departments, avoiding the aisles like a frightened rabbit. I was unprepared and uncomprehending. What was happening to me?I had never before experienced such protracted and uninterrupted periods of unmitigated fear. Every morning I woke up consumed with d; all day long my exhausted adrenals pumped fight-or-flight hormones throughout my body. In the ensuing months, I had a bout of pneumonia; my upstairs neighbor (a drummer in a rock band) and his drunken buddies awakened me consistently most nights around four a.m., until I developed insomnia; I started a high-stress job as administrator for an organization that had only two paid full-time staff; and I packed up all my belongings and moved in with an acquaintance to escape my neighbor’s nightly after-parties, which no amount of negotiating and pleading 熊猫人战袍 had quieted.I have never been quite the same since. The cumulative effect of all of this on my nervous system was such that no amount of herbal therapy, yoga, acupuncture, hot baths, or the conventional prescription and nonprescription drugs I tried without success could completely mitigate the aftershock. Even now I sleep lightly, and not infrequently with difficulty. I feel the vibrations of adjacent footfalls and bass lines in my bones. There is a tightness, an almost painful constriction in my chest that I can feel acutely when I become still and empty my busy mind. Oftentimes meditation and relaxation are synonymous with a greater awareness of this discomfort. Depending on its intensity, it can feel like anything from restlessness to outright panic. It increases under certain stressors, like when I’m faced with the necessity of moving again. A task such as packing can literally give me heart palpitations.Thinking about FeelingsCertain thoughts about controlling these feelings just exacerbate them, too. Well-meaning converts to the Law of Attraction, who caution me that such “negativity” will create more of the same in my life, only help to increase the anxiety by turning up the volume on my own obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Step on a crack, break my mother’s back. Quick, don’t think a bad thing! Oh my God, I’ve done it now…Note that I said certain thoughts about controlling these feelings. Ever the rationalist by nature (or more likely by nurture), my first instinct is to try to solve my discomfort by thinking even more about it. Despite years of evidence to the contrary, I seem to believe that ruminating endlessly upon the possible causes of my distress will somehow make it go away. Why am I feeling bad? Let’s dissect this from every possible angle! A good seventy percent of the therapy I underwent for a decade (for depression) involved an endless and often fruitless dissection of my past in an attempt to alleviate the pain in my present. But adding context did not necessarily create relief.In fact, it frequently seemed that the more I obsessed about my perceived troubles and “issues,” the harder I tried to “fix” these intractable “problems” I had, the bigger and more solid they grew and the more frustrating they became. As if my constantly spinning thoughts were actually spinning them into a gigantic snowball. The story gained momentum with each retelling.Last summer I picked up The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle for the first time, and at once something clicked. With incredibly lucid, unadorned prose, he describes exactly how we perpetuate our own suffering in our minds, keeping our pain and worry alive with our repetitive thoughts about past and future. We expend a great deal of energy this way creating problems for ourselves, and making ourselves a problem, when what would actually free us is a return to awareness of the present moment (the only moment that truly exists). Although I’d something like this before in other books — usually by prominent Buddhist teachers — it hadn’t sunk in on more than an intellectual level. And I had certainly never known how to apply it in my day-to-day life.Non-ResistanceThe key word he used was nonresistance. Which meant neither running away from discomfort nor fighting it. Instead of immediately commencing the usual struggle, he recommended that we allow the feeling, and give it no more attention than nonjudgmental observation. I honestly didn’t know if I could I sit still and just be with an experience, even when the experience was wholly unpleasant, but it was worth a try. Could I refrain from jumping on the thought train and turning everything into a major issue? Could I break a lifelong, ingrained, unconscious habit?The answer turned out to be yes — when I’m paying attention! I’m a lot more conscious of my unconscious reactions now than I was, so when the intense anxiety possesses me, as it did when I was in the midst of packing for my latest move, I can sometimes catch myself in the act of resistance.I was in the car with an old and dear friend, on the way to what I had hoped would be a lovely Sunday brunch, when it seized me, violently, like a blindsided hostage. I was seasick with d; my stomach knotted and my heart raced. The downtown streets looked ugly, squalid, and hostile. At first I tried to fight the feeling, then despaired at the thought that our outing was ruined.Suddenly I remembered Tolle’s words: resist nothing.I relaxed into my discomfort. As if it were the most normal thing in the world. Okay, I decided, so I’m going to feel like this right now. I neither battled nor ignored the sensations, but simply allowed them to blow through my system like a minor typhoon, as my friend continued to tell me about her new house. By the time we were parking, they were aly ebbing away. When we sat down at a table, it was hard for me to believe how I had felt only minutes before, and we did have a lovely brunch, after all.Who woulda thought it? Certainly not me. But that’s the beauty of not thinking.A Beautiful MeditationA postscript for other anxiety and panic sufferers: in addition to surrender, I have found this breathing meditation, adapted from Thich Nhat Hanh (and borrowing a gesture from Kundalini yoga), very helpful. It can be done while lying down or sitting in your favorite meditation posture. Placing your right hand over your heart, breathe deeply from the belly while silently reciting each line with the appropriate inhalation or exhalation:Breathing in, I calm my heart.Breathing out, I smile at my heart.Suspending each in-breath and out-breath for a few seconds will help slow your pulse. /200811/56476博爱医院男科专家

  福州附一医院做试管好不好福州尖锐湿疣那家好We are all human and have flaws. Even if your physical appearance, unique personality, or social skills aren't what you wish they were, that doesn't have to stop you from being confident. You are beautiful inside and out so you should love yourself unconditionally. Here's how to believe in yourself.每个人都有自己的长处和短处,别人经常拥有我们所缺乏的所谓的长处,但这些并不能阻止我们自己的自信。1.Make a list of special talents you have, or things you do that are good. Focusing on your attributes helps distract you from those parts of yourself that you think are flawed. It doesn't have to be a specific skill or activity either; it can be an approach or an attitude that you champion through life. Do you always stay calm, cool and collected, even in hurried situations? Are you very patient with people? Do you always see the humorous side of things? Are you always there for your friends? 列出自己的长处。注意自己的长处就会让你忘记自己认为缺乏的地方。这个长处不一定有多么地与众不同,只要是你在生活中有所成就的即可。譬如,面对吵杂的环境,你是不是能做到心静如水呢?你是不是很有耐心呢?你是不是经常为自己的朋友着想? /200911/89686"Sometimes you have to be a bitch to get things done."—Madonna, entertainer“有时候,想成事你就不得不犯贱。”—Madonna, 明星 /201109/153321宁德宫腔镜手术医院Girls who attend single-sex schools are more attracted to feminine looking boys, researchers have claimed.研究者声称,读女校的女生更偏好面容女性化的男性。The St Andrews University-led study suggested a girls-only education could have a "significant impact" on what the youngsters found attractive.苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学进行的调查显示,女子学校的教育会对女生的审美标准带来明显的影响。Boys at all-male schools proved less susceptible to the effect, although the study found they did prefer the company of boys with more masculine faces.而男校学生对女性面容的偏好并没有受到太大影响,但是他们更倾向与长相更具男子气慨的人交朋友。The effect was weakened if children had siblings of the opposite sex at home.不过,如果学生家庭里有异性的兄弟,那么这种影响就会减弱。The research team said the results suggested a person's "visual diet" influenced what they thought was attractive.研究小组称,一个人的“视觉口味的偏好”会影响他对于新引力的判断。They asked 240 children, aged 11-15, attending co-educational and single-sex schools, to rate faces in terms of attractiveness. 研究人员对240名年龄在11至15岁之间的接受混校和分校教育的学生进行了研究,让他们对不同面容的“吸引力”进行打分。It suggested female pupils at single-sex schools, compared with those at mixed schools, had a significantly stronger preference for facial femininity in both male and female faces.结果显示,女校的学生和上混校的学生相比,更喜欢女性特征明显的男性以及女性。Dr Tamsin Saxton, who led the study, said: "Interestingly, the weakest effect of 'visual diet' was in relation to boys' judgments of girls' faces. "组织这项研究的汤姆森·萨克斯顿士表示,有趣的是,男生们对女性面容的评价甚少受到“视觉口味的偏好”的左右。"This might be because femininity is such an over-riding cue to female facial attractiveness, or perhaps because even at a single-sex school, boys see more female faces around them, in their teachers and so on."“这可能是由于女性特征面容的特点更为明显,或者是由于对男校学生来说,他们身边有更多的女性面容,比如他们的老师等等。”Previous studies have suggested women tend to prefer men with feminine faces such as Leonardo DiCaprio or Jude Law for long-term relationships.以往进行的调查显示,女性更愿意与面容有女性气质的男性建立长久的关系,比如莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥和裘·德洛。 /200909/83143福州激素六项检查最好三甲医院



